Mrs. Martha Kau Sendolo-Belleh,
The title of her book: The Years of My Life
B. Sc. in Nursing, Cuttington University, Liberia
M. Sc. Nursing (Case Western Reserve University) [Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing, Cleveland, Ohio]
Certificate of Public Administration, Accra, Ghana
RN License by the Board of Nursing in Maryland USA.
About the Book.
Mr. Kenneth Y. Best, Publisher, Liberian Daily Observer Newspaper, wrote: “Martha Sendolo-Belleh has given us a rich introspection into the culture, history and challenges of a young girl growing up in rural Liberia, especially in her native Ganta, Nimba County. From this humble beginning she went on to complete high school among her urban compatriots at the Methodist Girls Hostel and the College of West Africa (CWA) in Monrovia; and onward to college and graduate degrees in Nursing. She carved an enviable career in Nursing, becoming the first African nurse to head the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. The book gives its readers a profound and insightful reflection of culture and history.
"The book is thought-provoking and exemplary. The language is simple, clear and coherent. It is void of emotion. Lessons to be learned for it are numerous as they are significant. The story of Martha's life is moving."
Joseph Saye Guannu, Ph.D
Professor, Cuttington University
Suakako, Liberia
The Years of My Life by Martha Kau Sendolo-Blleh is a powerful memoir. Martha has not only written about herself, she has also written about some aspects of the Mah Culture of Liberia. Her early life experiences are shared by many of us who grew up in Indigenous Traditional Liberian societies or villages. This is a fascinating reading. This book offers a new and dynamic understanding of what it means to live in transformative life between two worlds.
Nya Kwiawon Taryor, Sr., D. Min, Ph.D
President & Dean Emeritus, Gbarnga School of Theology
Professor of Theology & Ethics Emeritus
Cuttington University, Suakoko, Liberia
The Years of My Life. (2012), Providence, Rhode Island, USA. Kiiton Press. 224 pages, Paperback edition, First edition printed in the United States of America.
[The New KP Liberian Writers Series No. 2]
Written by Mrs. Martha Kau Sendolo-Belleh (2012)
Published in Providence, Rhode Island by Kiiton Press.