Adopted by the Third National Reunion Conference,
August 3-5, 2007 in Alanta, Georgia.
Amended by the 8th Nationl Reunion Conference,
August 4, 2012 in Dallas, Texas
The name of the organization shall be the “Ganta United Methodist Mission School Alumni Association – USA”, with the acronym “GUMMSAA-USA”.
The purpose of the Association shall be to a) foster a spirit of family, friendship and loyalty among alumni and former students, b) promote the best interest of the School, c) generate funds and resources to support the continued growth of the institution, and d) support the school in maintaining high moral and academic standards with a sense of service to the community.
Section 1. Full Members:
All graduates and former students are eligible for full membership. Only members in good financial standing may vote, be appointed, and elected to hold office in the Association, or participate in the National Reunion Conference (NRC). To be in good financial standing, a member must have met all local and national financial obligations to the association.
Section 2. Honorary Members:
Former faculty members, sponsors, families of students and benefactors may be invited to become honorary non-voting members.
Section 3. Annual Membership Fee:
All full members shall pay an annual fee of one hundred dollars. Changes in membership fees for the following year shall be approved by a majority of the Board and presented to the National Reunion Conference for approval. Dues for the coming year shall be payable during the fourth quarter of the current financial year and completed by the time of the National Reunion Conference. The national, in collaboration with the regions, shall collect the membership fees and submit same with the list of members to the National Reunion Conference.
The management of the Association shall be exercised by the Board of Directors in collaboration with the Executive Committee. The activities of the Association shall be guided by the mission and policies of the Ganta United Methodist Mission School.
Section 1. Composition:
The Board of Directors shall be constituted as follows: the President, Immediate Past President, and 7 members to be proposed by the Executive Committee and elected by the National Reunion Conference. The Board shall elect its Chairperson and officers from among the Board Members.
Section 2. Functions:
The governance and management of the Association shall rest with the Board of Directors. The Board shall provide general oversight in the implementation of the mission and strategic plans of the Association. The Board shall review and approve the budget of the Association prepared by the Executive Committee for presentation to the National Reunion Conference.
Section 3. Compensation:
No director, officer, or member of the Association shall receive compensation for any service rendered to the Association. However, an officer may be reimbursed for actual expenses, supported by receipts, incurred in the performance of his/her duties.
Section 1. Composition:
The President, the two Vice Presidents, the General Secretary, the Financial Secretary, the Treasurer, the Regional Coordinators, the Parliamentarian and the Chaplain shall constitute the Executive Committee.
Section 2. Functions:
The Executive Committee shall conduct the day to day affairs of the Association exercising all powers delegated to it by the National Reunion Conference (NRC) and the Board of Directors. The Executive Committee may call special meetings of itself and any Standing or Special Committee. See functions and duties of officers below. The Executive Committee shall review and approve the budget of the Association prior to presenting it to the Board of Directors and the NRC.
Section 1. Enumeration of Officers.
The officers of this Association shall be a President, a Vice-President for Administration, a Vice-President for Operations, a General Secretary, a Financial Secretary, a Treasurer, a Parliamentarian, and a Chaplain and such other officers as the Association may, from time to time, create by resolution.
Section 2. Election of Officers. The National Reunion Conference (NRC) shall bi-annually elect officers at its regular annual meeting. The officers shall be installed during the NRC.
Section 3. Term.
An officer of this Association shall hold office for two years unless he/she shall resign sooner or shall be removed, or otherwise disqualified to serve. No officer shall serve more than two consecutive terms in one position, but may run again for the same office after a lapse of two years.
Section 4. Special Appointments.
The Association may elect such other officers as the affairs of the Association require, each of whom shall hold office for such period, have such authority, and perform such duties as the Association may, from time to time, determine.
Section 5. Resignation and Removal.
Any officer may be removed from office, with or without cause, by a two thirds vote of the Association. An officer may resign at any time by giving written or electronic notice to the Board, the President, or the General Secretary. Such resignation shall take effect on the date of receipt of such notice, or at any later time specified therein, and the acceptance of such resignation by the Executive Committee shall make it effective.
Section 6. Vacancies. A vacancy in any office may be filled by appointment of the Board of Directors and shall serve for the remainder of the term of the officer he/she replaces or until special elections are held.
Section 7. Duties. The duties of the Officers are as follows:
1. The President shall preside over all meetings of the membership and the Executive Committee. He/She shall perform such duties as customarily pertain to the office of the President, or as he/she may be directed to perform by resolution of the membership or the Board of Directors. He/She shall be authorized to sign all checks and such other instruments as the Board may direct. He/She will authorize the expenditures of funds previously approved in the annual budget. He/She shall serve under the supervision of the Board of Directors.
2. Either Vice-President shall have and exercise all of the powers, authority and duties of the President during the absence of the President, or in his/her inability to act. In addition, he/she shall perform such other duties as may be assigned to him/her by the Board. He/she shall have the authority to sign checks and other such instruments as the Board may direct.
3. The Vice President for Administration shall be responsible for managing programs and projects undertaken by the Association. The Vice President will serve as Chairperson of the Program Committee. He/she will spearhead income generating activities.
4. The Vice President for Operations shall be responsible for organizing regions, establishing and maintaining membership database, and assisting the secretary in maintaining the website. The Vice President shall serve as Chairperson of the Membership Committee.
5. The General Secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings and shall give required notice of all meetings. The Secretary shall serve the Executive Committee, and the National Reunion Conference. The secretary shall be in charge of publications, maintain a database of members, and maintain the website of the Association. The Secretary shall have custody of all books, records and papers except those in the possession of the Treasurer. The Secretary may have authority to sign checks and other instruments as the Board directs.
6. The Financial Secretary shall maintain complete and accurate records of all receipts, disbursements and all other financial transactions of the Association. He will keep records of dues and issue membership cards. The Financial Secretary shall make bi-monthly financial report to the Executive Committee and provide such financial reports as may be requested by the Executive Committee or the Board. The Financial Secretary will present an annual report to the National Reunion Conference (NRC). He shall present an annual budget at the seat of the NRC. The Financial Secretary shall serve as a signatory to financial transactions and accounts. He/she shall have the authority to prepare all checks. The Financial Secretary shall prepare such tax reports that state and federal agencies may require.
7. The Treasurer shall have custody of all funds, securities, and other tangible assets of the Association. He/she shall record all income and expenditures as well as the assets and liabilities of the Association. The treasurer shall be the sole disbursing officer and shall advise the Association on budgetary control. He/she shall provide bi-monthly financial reports to the Executive Committee and make annual report at the seat of the National Reunion Conference. The Treasurer shall also provide financial reports as requested by the Executive Committee or the Board. Records will be opened upon reasonable notice and request of any member, but the time shall not exceed five business (5) days. The treasurer shall assist in preparing the annual budget. The Treasure shall be a signatory to all financial transaction and accounts.
8. The Parliamentarian shall ensure that the Association’s business is conducted in keeping with the Robert’s Rules of Order which is the authority recognized by the Association for the orderly conduct of its meetings and affairs.
9. The Chaplain shall offer opening and closing prayers for meetings of the Association, prepare worship services as indicated for the organization, and promote the social welfare needs of members, especially in times of personal crisis.
Section 8 – Regional Balance of Officers
In electing officers of the Association, efforts shall be made to ensure that all regions are represented among the officers.
Section 1. Structure: The Association shall be composed of clubs, chapters, regions and the National Reunion Conference.
Section 2. Club: The club shall form the basic unit of the Association. Members in a metro area shall constitute a club. Clubs shall have officers and By-Laws. Clubs will promote fellowship and the ideals of the Association at the local level. They shall plan, promote and implement programs on behalf of the Association.
Section 3. Chapter: Several clubs in a State shall constitute a Chapter.
Section 4. Region: Several State Chapters shall constitute a Region. A Region shall have its own By-Laws within the guidelines of the Association. A region shall be recognized and chartered by the Association after its application has been approved by the National Reunion Conference (NRC). The region, in collaboration with the national, shall collect membership dues and submit same to the NRC.
Section 5. Officers. A Region shall have its corps of officers and shall be headed by a Coordinator who will be a member of the Executive Committee.
Section 6. The Vice President for Operations shall be the national advisor to the region.
Section 7. Reports. A region shall make interim progress reports to the Executive Committee and an annual written report to the National Reunion Conference on its activities.
Section 8. Programs. A region shall plan and implement programs to promote fellowship and raise funds.
Section 1. The National Reunion Conference: The National Reunion Conference shall convene annually during the first weekend in August, except otherwise decided by the Executive Committee or the host region. The date and venue of the Conference shall be communicated to each member at least sixty days in advance to the last known address of the member. A fixed conference sitting fee shall be payable by all members and other participants at the NRC of GUMMSA USA. This fee shall be determined by the Reunion Planning Committee and the host region.
Section 2. Regular Meetings: The Association shall hold bi-monthly teleconferences as needed to conduct its business.
Section 3. The Board of Directors Meetings: The Board shall meet quarterly. One of the Board meetings shall take place during the National Reunion Conference. Thirty days advance notice shall be given for Board meetings with date and venue.
Section 4. The Executive Committee Meetings: The Committee shall meet quarterly with one meeting during the National Reunion Conference. Meetings will be called with 15 days advance notice giving date and venue by the President or 3 Committee members.
Section 5. Special/Emergency Meetings: Special or emergency meetings may be called by the Executive Committee as needed..
Section 6. Proxy: Proxies shall not be accepted at any meeting of the Association or any of its Committees, unless in exceptional circumstances.
Section 7. Quorum: One third of the membership shall constitute a quorum for conducting the business of the Board of Directors, Executive Committee, or any committee of the Association.
Section 1. The Association shall have four Standing Committees: (1) Program Committee; (2) Membership Committee; (3) Elections Committee; and (4) Social Committee. The Executive Committee may from time to time appoint Special Ad Hoc Committees to perform special duties for the Association. All such committees shall fall within the framework of the goals of the Board of Directors.
Section 2. Program Committee: This committee shall be chaired by the VP for Administration. This committee shall define, develop, implement and manage the Association’s programs and activities in collaboration with the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors.
Section 3. Membership Committee: This committee shall be chaired by the VP for Operations. The duties of this committee are to: maintain a current database registry of members; monitor the activities and advise the clubs and chapters; assist in membership development and identification of potential leaders; and conduct workshops for membership development and growth of the Association.
Section 4. Elections Committee: This committee shall have authority to organize and conduct elections. It shall establish the rules governing the elections and shall certify the credentials of the candidates prior to and during the National Reunion Conference when nominations are made from the floor. The Chairman shall be appointed by the President.
Section 5. Social Committee: This committee shall be responsible for such social activities as recreation, sports, and entertainment. In the event of bereavement, the committee will present a purse of $500 to the family of a deceased active member on behalf of the Association. Following the death of a family member, the Association shall send a card of condolence to the member.
Section 5. Special Ad Hoc Committees: The Association shall from time to time appoint Special Committees to advance its work as needed.
Section 1. Fiscal Year: The fiscal year of the Association shall run from August 1 to July 31 of the following year. Only the National Reunion Conference shall have authority to alter the fiscal year.
Section 2. Financial Records and Transactions: The Association shall ensure that its financial books and records of accounts are in accordance with the principles of fund account and the generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). The treasurer and financial secretary are charged with the responsibility to keep their records to these standards.
Section 3. Receipts: All funds received by the Association shall be recorded and pre-numbered receipts issued to the members, patrons, or donors. The Association accepts credit cards, cash, money order, or checks for financial transactions. All Association monies or funds must be deposited immediately into the Association’s depository or bank account. The financial secretary and the treasurer shall communicate and acknowledge all financial transactions.
Section 4. Disbursement: All disbursements shall be according to the budget approved by the National Reunion Conference. A Petty Cash Imprest System, not exceeding $250, shall be established to cover routine operating expenses. Capital expenditures, emergency spending, or unanticipated expenditures exceeding $250 shall require the signatures of two authorized officers..
The petty cash shall be replenished by check drawn on the Association’s bank account. There shall be no electronic transfer of funds from the accounts of the Association. All expenditures will be paid by check
Section 5. Signatories: There shall be two sets of signatories to the accounts. The first set shall consist of the President and the two Vice Presidents. The second set shall consist of the Financial Secretary, the Treasurer, and a designated Member of the Board. A check can only be signed by two persons and the financial secretary or treasurer, one from each group, except that the officer who prepares the check shall not be a signatory to that check. Checks will usually be prepared by the Financial Secretary.
Section 6. Assets of the Association: At the National Reunion Conference of the election year, officers and members in possession of association property shall surrender same to the Chair of the Election Committee for transfer to the incoming officers.
Except for the election of officers and directors, all votes shall be by voice. Election of officers and directors shall be by secret ballot. At any meeting, the majority may decide to vote on any question in the manner and style provided for election of officers and directors. The chairman of elections committee shall certify in writing to the president the results of the election, which shall form a part of the minutes.
Attendance, Opening Prayer, Reading of the minutes of the preceding meeting, Matters Arising from the Minutes, Old and unfinished business, Report of Committees, Reports of Officers, New Business, Adjournment and Closing Prayers.
These By-Laws can be altered, amended, or repealed by a two-thirds majority of the Board making such a resolution; such resolution must then be submitted to the National Reunion Conference for majority approval. Members wishing to propose an amendment must present the proposal in writing to the Executive Committee who will review it before submitting it to the Board of Directors. Amendments must be circulated at least three months prior to the annual NRC.